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Launch your coffee shop with a booming, buzzing grand opening

Creating an unforgettable grand opening for your coffee shop is like brewing the perfect cup of coffee—it requires meticulous attention, the right blend of ingredients, and that secret sauce that makes people come back for more.


That's exactly what we're here to help you nail.

  • Timeline of tasks

  • Ideas for gaining buzz 

  • Strategy for engaging the community

Coffee Shop

Get the Coffee Shop Grand Opening Checklist

Why this checklist?

The exact playbook I used

Listen, I know the internet is flooded with "ultimate guides" and "foolproof plans."


But this isn't your average, run-of-the-mill checklist. Crafted from the ground-up with insights from coffee shop owners who've been in the trenches, our checklist is your personal barista for success, serving up a steaming hot strategy that's as unique as your shop's brand.

This checklist is the exact playbook I used when planning my coffee shop's grand opening. 

It was a huge success with a line of dozens of people outside waiting for the doors to open.

Image by Ethan Hu

What's in it for you?


Blueprints to Buzz

From guerrilla marketing tactics to social media blitzes, discover ways to create hype that's as addictive as caffeine.


Mistakes to Mocha

Learn from the spills—what to avoid and why, so your grand opening is smooth, not bitter.


Secret Ingredients

I'm sharing insider tips, tricks, and the little-known ingredients that can turn your opening day into a full house.

Image by Rod Long


Ready to make your grand opening the talk of the town?


It's simple. Fill out the form above, hit 'Get the Checklist,' and we'll deliver the goods straight to your inbox.


No fluff—just solid, actionable steps you can take to make your grand opening as irresistible as your coffee.

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